Sunday, August 28, 2011

Flying Over to England

Tuesday/Wednesday April 27th 2011

Here we are flying over to England for the first day of living in the UK. I must say that it is a surreal trip, with less than half of the family on the flight and only three of us actually moving. What is really hard is e separation as a family and as a father, I know it happens to all of us as parents at some point but you never realize how it sneaks up on you.

Zack turns 21 this year, I was younger than that when he was born and it does not seem that long ago. Time flies and I think that is why Corena and I continue to take risks and to try new things in out live. Who knows what it means for our family and how it has shaped the kids. I am sure like everything in life there was both good and bad.

I can't believe that Kaylah is already 19and that they are moving into their own apartment this week, stocked with all my US electronics, not a bad way to start out. I am hopeful that the two of them can live together and help each other out so they can achieve what they want to achieve. I can't wait for Kaylah to come and visit in July for my cousin Colin's wedding in Wales. Be good and safe kiddo!

This is the biggest risk we have taken and it is amazing how getting older shapes your opinion of risk and how difficult it is to make a change. Corena has been amazing even through the stress and uncertainty and then in the end we just jumped. It would have been so easy just to stay and be comfortable, however nothing great has ever been achieved by being comfortable. I can't believe that Corena and I have made it through 20 years, and that we love each other more now than we ever have. We keep pushing through any problem and looking for the next adventure. We believe that we search out risk and adventure because we had kids so young and could not have adventures early in life. Well we sure are having them now.

It is about 1 am Denver time, or about 7 am UK time and I have not slept at all. Emma has only been asleep for about an hour and we are only an hour away from landing for my our third country of residence. I guess it is not that uncommon now with the global village. I am sitting he listening to music and thinking about everything that could go wrong, and what I am looking for. I will focus on the positive and look forward to learning more about a different culture. However I am not going to go to the wedding on Friday.

First things first is get Emma enrolled in school, then get some banking, phones, buy a car and other necessities like an xbox :) Just kidding babe! I will definitely try to go and see something new this weekend, as if it isn't all new and maybe go for a hike and enjoy the outdoors. I am truly looking forward to the greenery, trees, grass, water that always seem in short supply in Colorado.

Well breakfast is being served soon, time to splash some water on the face, pack up the junk, eat some crappy food and hopefully manage to stay awake until night time so we can get on the time as soon as possible. I miss you babe, can't wait until you get over here. Here is a couple of pics from the flight, iPad is an amazing tool and with it I plan on blogging a lot so everyone can stay up to date on what we are up to.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Testing using Bloggy

Hello Everyone;

Just testing out a new blogging tool on my iPad that will allow me to blog from anywhere. If this works good, I will be blogging a lot more!

Here is a great Christian video I saw today! Happy Easter 2011!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

It's Been Awhile

Well I guess you could say that we have been busy, or just remiss in updating our blog. I will say that our lives have been extremely complex and busy with 4 kids in the house and never a dull moment.

Some highlights:

Zack move out and then moved back in and is still trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life.

Kaylah has a serious boyfriend (Cory) and has spent most of her year with him.

Insa has been here for a full school year and it is now almost time for her to go back home to her family in Germany. (A school year goes really fast)

Emma has been very busy with dance, theatre, swimming and now she wants to do horseback riding.

Corena got really involved in Yoga, and now is really involved in Texas Hold'em

I am still working on my MBA, trying to get a presentation complete on my creation on Fusion Testing as well as focus on my career at Mx Logic.

The whole family went to Orlando for a vacation including Eddie and Heather and Mom and Dad T, it was a great time staying at Disney and then relaxing at the house.

I finally took the plunge and bought a motorcycle (Triumph America), and feel like I have finally hit my mid life crisis.

Corena is planning on hitting the job market, when Emma goes back to school this fall, after she switches schools back to Southeast Christian.

And of course we all have our everyday things that come up to keep us busy. Drop us a line and I will get some new photos up for everyone to enjoy.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Lot's going on in the past month or so!

Hey Everyone interested in our family, there has been a lot going on the past few weeks. Insa has settle in well and I just taught her how to create her own blog so check it out at Emma has been off-track for the past 3 weeks and it has been more difficult that we expected in keeping her busy.

Kaylah, Zack and Insa have all been in high school for a month or so now and all are doing well.

We have been hiking a lot and last weekend we hiked down Vail mountain and had a great time, and now we are all awaiting ski season! Bring on the snow.

We all hope everything is well with all our friends and family and look forward to talking to you all soon. Drop us a line and take care!

Love the Tischart's!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Insa Arrives!

Hey Everyone;

Insa arrived last week and it has been great getting to know this lovely young lady. She starts school tomorrow after a quick 10 days here after arriving from Germany last Thursday. Here is a video of Insa enjoying a swim at the pool with Emma. It was very hot the first week Insa was here with temperatures over 100f, so the pool was a welcome sight for all of us.

Look for some new pictures to be uploaded later this week. See you all soon!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Some other pictures from the past few months

Update from the Rocky Mountains

Hey Everyone, we have been very busy since Christmas! Here is an overview of what has happened in the last few months:

  • Corena continues to home school Zack and except for a brief period of teenage angst is back on course and doing well
  • Kaylah finished up grade 10 with good grades
  • Kaylah got her driver's permit and is terrorizing the roads (just kidding she is doing really well)
  • We finished some major renovations to the house including updates to the kitchen and a new stairway
  • We had a great vacation with Corena's brother Eddie and sister-in-law Heather, some pictures are below
  • Jamie got promoted to VP of Product Delivery and continues with his MBA, albeit the pace has slowed.
  • We reworked our business idea and are finalizing the new business plan, the new company name is Universal Vacation Home Club and you can find us on the web at, stay tuned because this is going to be something that everyone wants to be a part of.
  • Corena has really gotten into yoga and can do a great Warrior 2
  • Jamie went to Vietnam again to work with his engineering team there, and continues to think it is one of the best places to visit
  • We decided that it would be a great experience to host a foreign exchange student, and last week we finally found out who the young lady would be. We will be welcoming Insa from Germany to our home this summer.
  • Emma has joined the Swim team and is doing great
  • We will be visiting Canada again this summer, unfortunately to help our parents through some difficult times, we look forward to our visit with all our family and friends, and ask for your prayers for everyone.
  • That's if for now, here are some pictures for the last few months

Monday, December 24, 2007

Kaylah & Emma trying out our Flip Video

Our first try with the Flip video.

Vacation Fun at Cedar Point

Here is a video I took while riding a roller coaster during our summer vacation at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. We had a lot of fun riding the rides on our drive back from Canada.

Enjoy :) I had to sneak the camera on!

Emma's Christmas Pageant

Hey Everyone;

Here is some video I took of Emma singing during her Christmas pageant. It was a lot of fun and Emma did great.